07 November 2008

Obama Wins Election, Three Days Later Only Has 52% Favor Rating [Reality]

obama_cover The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Approval Index.  On Friday, today, it shows that Obama has gained a little ground, primarily resulting from a decline in the number of voters with a very negative view of his performance.

Today, Friday, 41% of voters nationwide "Strongly Approve" of the way Obama is handling his new role as president-elect. 

Twenty-nine percent (29%) "Strongly Disapprove".

Overall, 53% of voters somewhat or strongly approve of Obama's performance so far while 42% disapprove.  On Election Night the Democrats earned 52% of the vote.

These figures are updated daily at 9:30 AM Eastern Time and are available free via a daily e-mail update.

I have one question however, what performance?  Oh, maybe they mean that the stock market has plummeted 1000 points in two days since Election Night.

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