07 November 2008

Obama Obviously Believes He's The President Elect, When He's Only The President Delegate. [Change.Gov Web site]

ALeqM5g6etQuhKJsgflCpTgIYbx7gCyarQ Obama's campaign has launched a website at Change.gov to map out the road to the White House.  The site calls itself the "Office of the President-Elect" which frankly is insulting.  First, OBama is NOT the President-Elect, he is the President-Delegate.  Once a Presidential-Candidate wins the popular vote from November 4th, he is considered the President-Delegate.  He will not be the President-Elect until AFTER the electoral vote on December 15th, 2008 and counted and announced by the House on January 6th, 2009.  Only then is he legally the President-Elect as based upon our Constitution.  And the "Office of the President-Elect" comes from a man, Obama, who is suppose to have a law degree in Constitutional Law.  So either Obama doesn't know Constitutional law, doesn't care that he's manipulating the truth, or is completely and totally arrogant.  Personally, I choose D, all of the above.

The "Office of the President-Elect" is something that Obama and his campaign has invented.  Basically they just transferred Obama's campaign website over to a dot-gov domain using the Official Seal of the President.  The .gov domain is a sponsored top-level domain restricted for use by government entities in the United States of America.  The .gov domain is administered by the General Services Administration (GSA), an independent agency of the federal government.  All governments in the U.S. are allowed to apply for use of .gov such as atlanta.gov for the city of Atlanta, for example. 

sign Upon looking up domain information for change.gov, the IP comes back to Internap Network Services Corporation out of Atlanta, GA.  The actual IP location comes back to District of Columbia, Washington with the customer being Blue State Digital in Washington, DC, the same company that hosted his campaign website.  BSD describes themselves as a "leader in online fundraising, advocacy, social networking and constituency development programs for nonprofit organizations, political candidates and causes, and corporations."

So how is Obama using a .gov domain?  Well, there's a sneaky way around it based on the Presidential Transition Act of 1963:


Sec. 3 (a) The Administrator of General Services, referred to hereafter in this Act as "the Administrator," is authorized to provide, upon request, to each President-elect and each Vice President-elect, for use in connection with his preparations for the assumption of official duties as President or Vice President necessary services and facilities, including -

(1) Suitable office space appropriately equipped with furniture, furnishings, office machines and equipment, and office supplies as determined by the Administrator, after consultation with the President-elect, the Vice-President elect, or their designee provided for in subsection (e) of this section, at such place or places within the United States as the President-elect or Vice-President-elect shall designate;

(2) Payment of the compensation of members of office staffs designated by the President-elect or vice-President-elect at rates determined by them not to exceed the rate provided by the Classification Act of 1949, as amended, for grade GS-18: Provided, That any employee of any agency of any branch of the Government may be detailed to such staffs on a reimbursable or non reimbursable basis with the consent of the head of the agency; and while so detailed such employee shall be responsible only to the President or Vice-President-elect for the performance of his duties: Provided further, That any employee so detailed shall continue to receive the compensation provided pursuant to law for his regular employment, and shall retain the rights and privileges of such employment without interruption. Notwithstanding any other law, persons receiving compensation as members of office staffs under this subsection, other than those detailed from agencies, shall not be held or considered to be employees of the Federal Government except for purposes of the Civil Service Retirement Act, the Federal Employee’s Compensation Act, the Federal Employees Group Life Insurance Act of 1954, and the Federal Employees Health Benefits Act of 1959;

(3) Payment of expenses for the procurement of services of experts or consultants or organizations thereof for the President-elect or Vice-President-elect, as authorized for the head of any department by section 15 of the Administrative Expenses Act of 1946, as amended (5 U.S.C. 55a), at rates not to exceed $100 per diem for individuals;

(4) Payment of travel expenses and subsistence allowances, including rental of Government or hired motor vehicles, found necessary by the President-elect or Vice-President-elect, as authorized for persons employed intermittently or for persons serving without compensation by section 5 of the Administrative Expenses Act of 1946, as amended (5 U.S.C. 73b-2), as may be appropriate;

(5) Communications services found necessary by the President-elect or Vice-President-elect;

(6) Payment of expenses for necessary printing and binding, notwithstanding the Act of January 12th, 1895, and the Act of March 1, 1919, as amended (44 U.S.C. 111);

(7) Reimbursement to the postal revenues in amounts equivalent to the postage that would otherwise be payable on mail matter referred to in subsection (d) of this section.

(b) The Administrator shall expend no funds for the provision of services and facilities under this Act in connection with any obligations incurred by the President-elect or Vice-President-elect before the day following the date of the general elections held to determine the electors of the President and Vice President in accordance with title 3, United States Code, sections 1 and 2, or after the inauguration of the President-elect as President and the inauguration of the Vice-President-elect as Vice President.

(c) The terms “President-elect” and “Vice-President-elect” as used in this Act shall mean such persons as are the apparent successful candidates for the office of the President and Vice President, respectively, as ascertained by the Administrator following the general elections held to determine the electors of the President and Vice-President in accordance with title 3, United States code, sections 1 and 2.

(d) Each President-elect shall be entitled to conveyance within the United States and its territories and possessions of all mail matter, including airmail, sent by him in connection with his preparations for the assumption of official duties as President, and such mail matter shall be transmitted as penalty mail as provided n title 39, United States Code, section 4152. Each Vice-President-elect shall be entitled to conveyance within the United States and its territories and possession of all mail matter, including airmail, sent by him under his written autograph signature in connection with his preparations for the assumption of official duties as Vice President.

(e) Each President-elect and Vice-President-elect may designate to the Administrator an assistant authorized to make on his behalf such designations or findings of necessity as may be required in connection with the services and facilities to be provided under this Act. Not more than 10 per centum of the total expenditures under this Act for any President-elect or Vice-President-elect may be made upon the basis of a certificate by him or the assistant designated by him pursuant to this section that such expenditures are classified and are essential to the national security, and that they accord with the provisions of subsections (a), (b), and (d) of this section.

(f) In the case where the President-elect is the incumbent President or in the case where the Vice-President-elect is the incumbent Vice President, there shall be no expenditures or funds for the provisions of services and facilities to such incumbent under this Act, and any funds appropriated for such purposes shall be returned to the general funds of the Treasury.


Sec. 4. The Administrator is authorized to provide, upon request, to each former President and each former Vice President, for a period not to exceed six months from the date of the expiration of his term of office as President or Vice President, for use in connection with winding up the affairs of his office, necessary services and facilities of the same general character as authorized by this act to be provided to Presidents-elect and Vice Presidents-elect. Any person appointed or detailed to serve a former President or former Vice President under authority of this section shall be appointed or detailed in accordance with, and shall be subject to, all of the provisions of section 3 of this Act applicable to persons appointed or detailed under authority of that section. The provisions of the Act of August 25, 1958 (72 Stat. 838 3; U.S.C. 102, note), other than subsections (a) and (e) shall not become effective with respect to a former President until six months after the expiration of his term of office as President.


Sec. 5. There are hereby authorized to be appropriated to the Administrator such funds as may be necessary for carrying out the purposes of this Act but not to exceed $900,000 for any one Presidential transition, to remain available during the fiscal year in which the transition occurs and the next succeeding fiscal year. The President shall include in the budget transmitted to the Congress, for each fiscal year in which his regular term of office will expire, a proposed appropriation for carrying out the purposes of this Act.

Approved March 7, 1964

There's one small problem.  Obama IS NOT THE PRESIDENT-ELECT UNTIL JANUARY 6th, 2009.

mccain And obviously, the Obama morons haven't realized the campaign is over, since they still continue to attack McCain on the Office of the President-Elect Web site.

And this is really funny.  On Obama's website, you will find a rss icon for news feeds.  Go ahead and click on it.  You will get a message that the feed does not exist although there are news articles listed.

obama_rss_fee  obama_rss_feed
Remember, this is what the country voted for.  If you voted for him, and you supported him, I don't want to hear one peep of complaint out of you.  You had your chance, you made your choice, and you voted for him.  You made OUR nation's bed, now sleep in it.
Pride is my favorite sin...............

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