UPDATE: "Senator Obama has no knowledge of her status but obviously believes that any and all appropriate laws be followed," Obama spokeswoman Jen Psaki said. Additionally David Axelrod, the chief strategist for Obama, characterized the senator and Onyango as having "not a real close relationship." Axelrod said that it had been "years, not months," since the two had spoken. Obama last heard from her about two years ago, two years after her asylum request was denied.
Also, Obama's campaign said the money that Auntie donated was being refunded. Today, Saturday, a police officer was stationed outside the public housing complex where Auntie lives. The officer said she was not at home and told reporters not to enter the building.
So obviously, he agrees that his Auntie should be deported. Nuff said. So, she's on the first plane out on Monday, right? What? You don't agree? You mean you don't agree with Obama that laws should be followed, and illegal immigrants deported? Oh, you are so un-American, aren't you? If ya throw it out people, expect it to come back to you!
Oh, and get use to it.......
What is truly sad, is that it took a UK paper to break this story, not a US paper, not the GOP, not the McCain camp, thanks for playing! And try searching Boston media such as TV stations or newspapers. You will find very little. Just like the news about Obama taking illegal donations for his campaign, which was broke by a Canadian news agency. And again, as usual, my disclaimer that I have not stated that I endorse McCain or anyone else however, I DON'T believe Obama is "The One."
Seems Obama's Auntie is an illegal alien, was ordered to be deported four years ago, but is still here, living in public housing, and might be protected by ICE due to a unusual nationwide directive that was just issued. And of course, my personal RANT at the end. It's a "trend" with me ya know!
THURSDAY, OCT. 30, 2008
On Thursday of this week, the Times Online reported that they had found Obama's Aunt living in Boston. Onyango, Obama's Aunt, had confirmed that she was "Auntie Zeituni" in Obama's memoir. Onyango is Obama's paternal aunt, one of several children of the senator's grandfather, Hussein Onyango Obama. In Obama's memoir, "Dreams From My Father," Obama refers to Onyango affectionately as Aunt Zeituni and recalls that she was the first person to greet him when he stepped off a plane for the first time in Kenya. " ' Welcome home,' Zeituni said, kissing me on both cheeks," Obama wrote.
During visits to her building, Onyango made clear her desire to stay out of the way of her nephew's campaign. "I can't talk about it, I just pray for him, that's all," she said. "We'll talk after the election," she said. "Come talk to me after the fifth." (Kinda like government authorities in Kenya said, that the would not speak to the press until after Nov. 4th with World News Daily.)
Talking to George Hussein Onyango, Obama's half-brother in Nairobi he said that his aunt had left for the US about eight years ago. "She left to find work and I suppose she thought her life would be better there."
At the time The Times could not determine immigration status, and an official at Boston City Hall said that Onyango was a resident of Flaherty Way, but not registered to vote however, she had made contributions to the Obama campaign and used the housing authority's address to make the contribution, not her home address. Records at the Boston City Hall confirmed that Onyango's birthdate was May 29, 1952. Onyango did state however, that "I have been coming to America ever since 1975. I always come and go." She however, has been living in her flat in Boston for five years.
An AP story in 2003 about poor people buying lottery tickets, according to The Times, quotes Onyango whom it describes as out of work and without much money. "It's like when I feel luck might fall I do that, like manna might come from Heaven. That's when I buy it," she told the AP. Manna is the name of a food, according to the Bible, that was eaten by the Israelites during their travels in the desert. Manna is also briefly mentioned in the Qur'an, mentioning the divine supply of manna as one of the miracles with which the Israelites were favored. Qur'an is the religious text of Islam.
She is paid a small stipend for working as a health advocate six hours a week in her housing complex, a position she has held for about a year. For three years, she was a volunteer with Experience Corps, a nonprofit that trains adults over 55 to work with children in public schools, said Mary Gunn, the group's executive director. In a profile on the Experience Corps website, Onyango is described as a "former computer systems coordinator" who says she wanted to volunteer in teh schools because "I felt that I should help the children in my community." "I love people and enjoy interacting with them," Onyango said. "Also, I was idle, and this was a chance to get involved."
FRIDAY, OCT. 31, 2008
Yesterday, the Obama Camp confirmed that Onyango is Obama's aunt. Ben LaBolt, a campaign spokesman, declined to comment further on the relationship between Obama and Onyango, who has lived in South Boston public housing for five years.
Turns out Aunti Zeituni Onyango, Omama's half aunt on his father's side, who he wrote about in his memoir, is an illegal alien. The timing of this information is quite interesting however, it doesn't change the fact that Aunti Onyango is an illegal alien.
However, Onyango's case - coming to light just days before the presidential election - led to an unusual nationwide directive within Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) requiring that any deportations before Tuesday's election be approved at least at the level of the agency's regional directors, the U.S. law enforcement official told the AP.
She's one of the hundreds of thousands of deportative fugitives - an absconders. Four years ago she requested asylum from an immigration judge, and was denied. She was instructed to leave the U.S. by a U.S. immigration judge, although she has been living in public housing in South Boston for five years.
From an AP article, information about the deportation case in 2004 was disclosed and confirmed by two separate sources, one of them a federal law enforcement official. It is unknown why she was denied asylum. The information they made available is known to officials in the federal government, but the AP could not establish whether anyone at a political level in the Bush administration or the McCain campaign had been involved in its release.
Onyango's refusal to leave the country would represent an administrative, noncriminal violation of immigration law, meaning such cases are handled outside the criminal court system.
When the AP went to Onyango's home, no one answered the door and she did not return a phone call.
It was not immediately clear how Onyango might have qualified for public housing with a standing deportation order. Public housing is limited to low-income families and individuals. The Housing Authority determines eligibility based on several factors including U.S. citizenship or eligible immigration status.
In typical Obama Camp fashion, any comment was declined on Friday night.
Additionally, the Federal Commission records show that Onyango donated at least five times to her nephew's campaign in July and September. Three of the donations were for $5 each, and two of the donations were for $25. Records compiled by The Huffington Post show she gave a total of $260 to the campaign.
The law states:
It shall be unlawful for a foreign national directly or through any other person to make any contribution of money or other such thing of value, or to promise expressly or implied to make such contribution, in connection with an election to any political office; or in connection with any primary election, convention, or caucus held to select candidates for any political office; or for any person to solicit, accept, or receive any such contribution from a foreign national. 2 U.S.C. § 441e
Of course, this isn't the first time Obama has obtained contributions from non-US citizens, including 8,794 donations from individuals who gave their state as NA, but gave international cities and addresses from places such as India, United Arab Emirates, Nigeria, and Saudia Arabia. Or state abbreviations combined with city addresses referring to foreign countries such as IT (Italy), FR (France), JP (Japan), or GA (Gaza). And of course there's the issue of raising $42 million from "secret donors." And then there's the issue of the Federal Election Commission flagging 16,639 potential foreign donations as of Oct. 21st that brought in at least $5 million.
At one point in Obama's book, a half-sister tells Obama that people "like our Uncle Omar, in Boston" move to the West. "They promise to return after completing school. They say they'll send for the family once they get settled. At first they write once a week. Then it's just a month. Then they stop writing completely. No one sees them again."
The Times reported that a public record search lists an "O. Onyango Obama" born on Jun 3, 1944, at Colgate Road whose name matches that of the "Uncle Omar" in Obama's Dreams of My Father.
Nelson Ochieng, a counsin of Obama who lives in Kenya, said that Omar changed his first name after moving to the US. "Before he went to America we all knew him as Omar, but he dropped that bit, changing it to Obama Onyango, because he said he preferred his African anme," he said.
Gail Greenberger, the landlady who bought the four-story brick block of flats at a foreclosure sale in 1994, knew her tenant, however, by the name of Obama Onyango. "We used to call him 'Oh-bummer!'. That is how I pronounced Obama in 2000," she said. Greenberger said she was forced to evict Uncle Omar in 2000 for nonpayment of his rent of about $500 a month. "I remember him being decent but I think he lost his job. When they lose their job, they just stop paying rent. He did not even go to court. He bolted from the apartment," she said. Records of Boston Housing Court show a "summary process" was executed against Uncle Omar on Feb 23, 2000, for unpaid rent of $2,324.70.
Uncle Omar was a business partner in a "convenience store" called the Wells Market at 1760 Dorchester Ave, now a Hispanic bodega, or grocery. Records list him as the treasurer of the corporation, which was set up without his name in 1992 and involuntarily wound up in 2007 after failing to file annual reports since 1997.
Asked why the man believed to be "Uncle Omar" went by the name Obama Onyango, Auntie Zeituni said that Obama was his true name. "That is the name his father gave him," she said. Dershaye Geresu, the Ethiopian-born president of Wells Market Inc, confirmed that Onyango was a "cousin" of the presidential candidate Obama.
In Obama's 2004 book, he writes: "Most of the characters in this book remain a part of my life, albeit in varying degrees - a function of work, children, geography, and turns of fate." So does Obama know where his Uncle is?
My family has been here in the United States, before it was the United States. My family comes mostly from Switzerland (50%), Ireland (25%) and Wales (25%) give or take a percent with some of the Swiss coming here after a brief stop in Germany. Members of my family came to this land before this country was a country. And their relationship with the American Indians was rather good, if anyone wants to play that card. They shared the land with them in VA, NC and TN, and at this point, no disputes have ever been found between my family and the American Indian, but positive words between them have been found. My forefathers fought in the Revolutionary War, all but one for the United States. One, who was a dragoon from England, did fight for England for a time, but decided that he was wrong. So you see, I have a right to an opinion about immigration, and coming here for a better life.
So Auntie came here according to Obama's half brother to get a "better life" by living in public housing, which we the taxpayers are paying for although it is illegal for a illegal immigrant to live in public housing, and continues to live here as an illegal immigrant. Bottom line is that if Auntie is here illegally, the law is the law, and she should be deported since her request for asylum was denied. Or are we now going to start ignoring laws just because its "politically correct"? If that's the case, then shouldn't that be allowed across the board for all who break the law? Including bankers? Rapists? Hackers? Drunk Drivers?
And Obama doesn't use his wealth and position to help his Aunt get out of public housing and become a legal US citizen, but if anyone complains about raising taxes to "spread the wealth", then they are un-American, anti-American and selfish.......... And anyone who will say that all illegal immigrants should be deported, will be called a hater, a xenophobe and a RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACIST.
Obama claims to be a "brother's keeper" yet his Aunt lives in poverty in Boston. His Uncle's whereabouts are unknown, and his half-brother lives in a hut in Africa. I guess it's okay for the American taxpayer to spread the wealth around, but its not okay for Obama.
So the bottom line is that Auntie is here illegally, now a deportative fugitive, living off taxpayer's dime, and gives money illegally to Obama's campaign. And that is "sharing the wealth" for you. But yet, Obama, who will probably say he didn't know.. (yea right), hasn't helped her become a legal US citizen, so I guess then its okay for an illegal immigrant to live here, and use taxpayers money (i.e. public housing), and break laws. Is this our "change we need?"
I believe that anyone who wants to come here should have that opportunity however, they should have to take the steps to become a legal US citizen, instead of giving handouts to the world. Is it fair to those who have spent their time and money to become legal citizens to give free handouts to those who do not? And is it moral to allow those who are illegal immigrants to remain here while they continue to pledge allegiance to their homeland, and not the United States?
And it's okay to voluntarily "ignore" this issue by the Obama Camp, but yet illegally rummage through Joe the Plumbers personal records. How interesting.............................
And all of this is the "Change we can believe in........... or is this an example of "spreading the wealth"... to the WORLD. Or is Obama going to say he didn't know................ tell me, exactly how many times can Obama claim "stupidity" or "ignorance of an issue" or "deny talking about something" or "refusing to release records" before it's an official trend? In a court of law, isn't a persons associates, lifestyle, records and past statements used as a person's character? Oh wait.. that makes me a RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACIST even "thinking" about that, right? I guess I'm a racist against my own race, since Obama is 50% white, 42% Arab, and 6% black, oh wait.. that's right, he's now a "diverse" person because of his background.................. Whatever.................... Sorry, but your times up, thanks for playing!
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