13 January 2009

Hamas Brainwashing of Children

rabbit120208_468x338 Imagine here in the United States, children’s shows teaching kids that bombs and killing Jews is more precious than that child’s own life.

Imagine a music video teaching the same.  After a five-year-old finds out that her mother wore a bomb belt to a suicide terror attack, she sings:  “Now I know what was more precious than us.”  She then swears to follow in her mother’s footsteps, as a suicide bomber.

Via FrontPageMag,

“In addition to the video featuring the daughter of a suicide bomber, this collection includes a music video depicting a boy’s transition from childhood to adulthood, climaxing in his heroic Martyrdom death; a puppet show promising world Islamic supremacy, death of infidels and the conversion of the White House into a mosque; and a talk show segment featuring kindergarden aged kids marching in military formation, brandishing weapons and calling for Jihad and Martyrdom.”

And all of this, all this sacrifice of life and killing, in the name of God.

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