04 December 2008

What’s Warming Up In The Bullpen.

Because I’m terribly lazy and nothing incredibly interesting is going on in the news world, other than probably another daily episode of the “Obama Show” with another press conference to announce one member of his new cabinet, it’s time for a “bull pen” post.

■  Obama’s Green Initiative Would Destroy 900,000 Net Jobs [Gateway Pundit]

■  Nissan to Recall nearly 430,000 vehicles worldwide [AP via Yahoo]

■  As if we need the government to tell us we are officially in a recession, since Dec 07.  [CNN Money]

■  Secret Congress session on March 13, 2008. [NightBlogger]

■  AT&T Cuts 12,000 jobs [Chicago Tribune]

■  Record number of Americans using food stamps.  [Reuters via Yahoo]

■  People Draw Unemployment Benefits at 26-year high. [AP via Yahoo]

■  Third world country has more money than the USA.  [Not Another CONspiracy]

■  Obama Quietly Reinstates Another Fired Adviser [Little Green Footballs]

■  Obama advisers want NATO troops in West Bank [Rantburg]

■  Did GM Not Understand the Assignment was to Outline a Viable Business Plan?  [Right Voices]

■  UAW Agrees to Make Changes [Donklephant]

■  Obama Soda up for Auction [ITN]

■  Latinos to Obama:  You still owe us more [Michelle Malkin]

■  Census Jobs Fair for 2010 census, turns dozens of job seekers away.  [WBBM 780]

■  While his wife is in labor, contractions 3 minutes apart, in rush hour traffic, husband drives in breakdown lane, gets pulled over by state trooper, and made to wait for ticket. [The Boston Globe]

■  Decorating the White House [ABC News - Video]


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