12 December 2008

Diatha Harris Update, She LIED Last Month.

harris[4][5]If you don’t remember, Harris was a teacher in NC who belittled a young student because she supported McCain in the election nearly to the point of tears.  It’s been awhile and I decided to see if there had been an update on the situation. 

Harris, who said she was the victim in all of this because of the way the video was edited, has recently stated that she has received death threats and has lost 15 pounds over the incident. 

She has also stated that if she had to do it over again, there are things she would change.  “I would change the comment that I made toward Cathy by saying that your father could stay in the military for a hundred years.”

Last month Harris stated that an internal investigation of her conduct cleared her of violating state law or Cumberland County Board of Education policy and gave her a reprimand letter.  The school system has said it will not release the result of the investigation because of personnel laws.

However this past Monday, Harris is now acknowledging that she was found to have violated a Cumberland County school policy, contrary to what she said after getting a reprimand letter in November, a policy which she states she had never heard of before.

She said the policy she is accused of violating addresses political activity in schools.



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