03 November 2008

Obama Wins in Earliest Vote in Dixville, NH [And so it begins....]

ALeqM5iCMMGKVv5GnZucdiW3mDyf6TgCyA Dixille and Hart's Location, NH, has a combined population of 115.  While New Hampshire law requires polls to open at 11 a.m., that doesn't stop towns from opening earlier. 

In Dixville Notch, population about 75, they have opened their polls shortly after midnight each Election Day since 1960.  Here, Obama defeated McCain by a count of 15 to 6.  There voting was carried out in a room in a local hotel with political memorabilia from campaigns long ago.  Each voter gets their own individual booth.

In Hart's Location, since 1996, reinstated its practice from the 1940s, and also began opening its polls at midnight.  Obama again defeated McCain, this time by a vote of 17 to 10 with two write-ins for Ron Paul. 

This is the first time since 1968 that the village leaned Democratic in an election when it picked Hubert Humphrey over Richard Nixon.


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