03 November 2008

Karel Obama Supporter Calls for Joe the Plumber's Death On Radio, But Blogs That The McCain Campaign Is Trying To Get Obama Out"... literally, as in, taken out." [Define Psychotic Irony]

Karel KGO 1 Left wing radio show host, and Obama supporter, Karel, aka Charles Raymond Bouley, Jr.,  has stated live and on the air, "Fucking Goddamn Joe the Goddamb fucking plumber.  I want motherfucking Joe the Plumber dead" in the background while an ABC news report states Joe the Plumber. 

Hey, you don't like that I type profanity well imagine hearing this on your radio.  Karel is the evening host on KGO AM Radio 810, San Francisco.  This incident occurred during Saturday evening's show.

What is interesting to note is that on October 13, 2008 Karel posted an editorial on the Huffington Post titled "I'm Afraid..." regarding death threats.


How many of you have gotten a credible death threat?


Yes, it's gone there.  Because these things are serious, and knowing that makes me afraid.  Not for myself.  You can't think about these things, no performer can and every performer, columnist, talk show host or public figure deals with this.  I'm sure even someone out there hates Oprah.  No, I take all the precautions I can.  I'm afraid that this country doesn't know how serious these things can be, and how no environment should ever be fostered to create danger.  They've never seen it happen first hand, looked into the eyes of someone you know could flip, and may.


Yes, I'm afraid that John McCain and Sarah Palin through their hateful, spiteful and untrue rhetoric are, no matter how inadvertent, trying to get Barack Obama out of the race, literally, as in, taken out.

[...]  In other words, he's a Black Muslim Terrorist trying to take over our country.

[...]  And I'm afraid that out of the fear of not wanting to say it, this will go unnoticed, will go unpunished as one of the worst crimes this party has committed...

Shame.  Shame on the neoconservatives for putting this man in more danger than he already was or is as the first credible Black man for president.  ... What you are doing is criminal and wrong and very, very dangerous.

.... Define psychotic irony...

Don't believe me?  Listen to it yourself however, WARNING, I would give this a Rated-R rating for profanity.  And you do not hear the comment until around 1:00 on the "video".   This guy has Imus beat as Imus ran his mouth on his opinion however, at least he didn't break FCC rules.  Where's the FCC when you need them? If Imus can get fired for making a racist comment, but not breaking the law, then Karel should be fired.  Anyone remember when a mic picked up Jesse Jackson saying that he wanted to castrate Barack Obama?

And why not email Karel what you think about this at feedback@mykgoshow.com or visit his personal blog or you can visit his weekly rant, which seems to be the place where everyone is giving Karel static on the statement.

And if for any reason the below video disappears, here's another location, and another

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