19 November 2008

Congressman Joe Knollengerb Says Taxpayers Money Is Congress’ To Do As They Wish, Not Taxpayers. [Moron]

Joe Knollenberg is a Congressman for Michigan’s 9th District, and he is a republican.  He’s also hard core on bailing out the auto industry, which makes sense since he is from Michigan. “Our automakers are now going to receive a partnering hand from Washington, not just a burdensome mandate.” Knollenberg states on his website.  Knollenberg was up for re-election this year, and got a little bit of help from GM by them throwing him a fundraising event for his re-election.  At the fundraiser about 50 people – mostly GM execs – attended the reception, and most were donating about $1,000 each.

So he’s representing his constituents which is more than most do in Congress and so his intentions are honorable.  However……….

According to Knollenberg, the money that you pay in your taxes is not your money?  It belongs to Congress to do as they wish, whatever they want with it, and you basically have to live with that.

Although I do not live in Michigan, I am glad to hear that he LOST his re-election bid.  Knollenberg lost to former state senator and lottery commissioner Gary Peters.

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