12 October 2008

U.S. Opponents in Middle East Are Gloating... And Blaming a "Jewish Lobby" in the US of Fomenting the Financial Crisis.

useconomysml America's opponents in the Middle East are gloating over the financial meltdown in the United States, painting it as divine retribution for past misdeeds against Muslims and the last gasps of a dying empire.

Al Qaeda was one of the first groups to express satisfaction over the financial crisis.  American al Qaeda member Adam Gadaham, a California native now living in Pakistan who has been indicted in a Los Angeles court for treason, said the following in a video earlier this month.

"The enemies of Islam are facing a crushing defeat, which is beginning to manifest itself in the expanding crisis their economy is experiencing."

"A crisis whose primary cause, in addition to the abortive and unsustainable crusades they are waging in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq, is their turning their backs on Allah's revealed laws."

And then there is the Prime Minister of Hamas in the Gaza Strip, Ismail Hahiyeh, speaking to worshippers during Friday prayers.

"We are witnessing the collapse of the American Empire."  "What's going on in America is a result of the violation of the rights of people in Palestine, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan and Muslims around the world."


Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati, high level Iranian cleric, was a bit more blunt addressing worshippers on October, 3rd.

"We are happy that the U.S. economy is in anarchy and the anarchy is reaching Europe," Jannati said.  "They are seeing the result of their own ugly doings and God is punishing them."

A Sunni cleric in U.S.-allied Lebanon, Mufti of Mount Lebanon Sheik Mohammed Ali al-Jouzo, saw the financial collapse as God's answer to Muslim prayers.

"God has responded to the supplications of the oppressed people."  "It is the curse that hits every arrogant power."

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Tuesday this week, that America was paying the price for exporting inflation and deficits to the rest of the world.

"Now the world capacity is full and these problems have returned to the U.S."  "And finally they are oppressors, and systems based on oppression and unrighteous positions will not endure."

And going out further on a limb, the Palestinian militant group Hamas on Tuesday accused a "Jewish Lobby" in the United States of fomenting the global financial crisis.

The crisis was a result of "bad administrative and financial management and a bad baking system put into place and controlled by the Jewish lobby," Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhum said in a statement.

Okay, yea... if there is a God, then ummm yea, he has nothing better to do that to punish the United States by making all the banks fail... because we are bombing your countries because you support al Quaeda....okay then.  Hi!  My name is reality, and I KNOW we haven't met yet.  And I'd like to introduce you to my friend "the real world" also know as "reality", as you don't seem to know him either.

Gee, the rest of the world is blaming us for everything, why not adding the above twists to it all.  Go ahead and point fingers at the United States, but when you need money, what country do you always go begging to first?  And when your country is in trouble, what country do you always solicit first for aid?   Wait, if those countries are so superior, then why are they also suffering?  No one twisted their arms to invest in OUR money, and our financial institutions.  When you made money, you loved us.  Now, you lose money, you hate us.  Gee, so sorry to break your bubble.  Hmm, maybe we need to put an embargo on any country that has a problem with us and our economy.  Lets see how well your country does then.  Clean up your own mess.


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